courses to help you
learn the basics

Looking to succeed with ukulele? You can get all the free basics right here to get you started. Plenty of free content here for you to get going. Already a Member? Access your courses here >
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intro to ukulele course

With a strong focus on fundamentals, this course will introduce students to the major scale, basic chord shapes, and the foundation of strumming.
baritone beginner series

With a strong focus on fundamentals, this course will introduce students to the major scale, basic baritone chord shapes, and the foundation of strumming. Students can expect to play a four chord progression upon completion of this course.
let’s play ukulele - fingerpicking edition

Using several fingerpicking patterns, the focus of this course is to play through chord progressions at various degrees of difficulty. Some knowledge of basic chords and fingerpicking is required.
let’s play blues together

Love the blues? It sounds super cool on ukulele! Using 1-4-5 progressions, 7th chords and other elements of the blues, Kevin will guide you through an energetic course on ukulele blues.
let’s play barre chords for baritone

The best way to learn barre chords is to play them in the context of a chord progression and that’s exactly what we’ll do in this course.
More Courses Available!
Intro to Ukulele (NEW!)
With a strong focus on fundamentals, this course will introduce students to the major scale, basic chord shapes, and the foundation of strumming. Three levels included.
Intro to Baritone (NEW!)
With a strong focus on fundamentals, this course will introduce students to the major scale, basic baritone chord shapes, and the foundation of strumming. Three levels included
5-Day Fingerpicking
This course will introduce fingerpicking technique and expose students to a variety of patterns that can be applied to songs in many different genres.
Baritone Beginner Series
With a strong focus on fundamentals, this course will introduce students to the major scale, basic baritone chord shapes, and the foundation of strumming. Students can expect to play a four chord progression upon completion of this course.
Baritone Chord Melodies
Combining ukulele chords with melody lines allows students to play and create songs that depict the harmony and vocal melody. Traditional ukulele players have used this method throughout history. This course requires knowledge of basic baritone chord shapes along with the major scale.
Baritone Fingerpicking
This course will introduce baritone fingerpicking technique and expose students to a variety of patterns that can be applied to songs in many different genres.
Baritone Strumming
Students will learn several strumming patterns in different time signatures, affording them an opportunity to a wide variety of songs.
Barre Chords and Hacks
This course will focus on arming you with tips and tricks to navigate those pesky barre chords and difficult chord transitions.
Chord Melody
Combining ukulele chords with melody lines allows students to play and create songs that depict the harmony and vocal melody. Traditional ukulele players have used this method throughout history. This course requires knowledge of basic ukulele chord shapes along with the major scale.
This course will introduce fingerpicking technique and expose students to a variety of patterns that can be applied to songs in many different genres.
How to Choose Strumming Patterns
Students will learn how to select a strumming pattern when approaching songs.
Intro to Barre Chord Shapes
Barre chords come in all shapes and sizes and this course will give you the tools you need to catapult your barre chord playing to new heights.
Kickstart Series
This introductory course is a great place to start for beginner ukulele players. Kevin introduces the first chords and strumming patterns to learn and give you plenty of time to play along with him as you build your skillset.
Let's Play Baritone Fingerpicking
This course will introduce baritone fingerpicking technique and expose students to a variety of patterns that can be applied to songs in many different genres.
Let's Play Barre Chords
This course will focus on utilizing barre chord shapes within the context of chord progressions. Students will need a basic knowledge of barre chord shapes and strumming patterns.
Let's Play Barre Chords for Baritone
The best way to learn barre chords is to play them in the context of a chord progression and that’s exactly what we’ll do in this course.
Let's Play Blues Together
Love the blues? It sounds super cool on ukulele! Using 1-4-5 progressions, 7th chords and other elements of the blues, Kevin will guide you through an energetic course on ukulele blues.
Let's Play Blues for Baritone
Love the blues? It sounds super cool on ukulele! Using 1-4-5 progressions, 7th chords and other elements of the blues, Kevin will guide you through an energetic course on baritone blues.
Let's Play Ukulele Together
This course requires knowledge of basic chords and strumming patterns. Students will spend the majority of their time playing through chord progressions created by the instructor to work on playing stamina and chord changing technique.
Let's Play Ukulele Fingerpicking
Using several fingerpicking patterns, the focus of this course is to play through chord progressions at various degrees of difficulty. Some knowledge of basic chords and fingerpicking is required.
Movable Chord Shapes
This course will teach students how to view basic chords as chord shapes that can be played up and down the fretboard.
Music Theory - Chord Formulas
Using the major scale, this course will introduce basic music theory and teach students how to diagram major, minor and 7th chord shapes.
Play Ukulele Everyday
Introducing the concept of playing for a short amount of time each day, this course will teach students about forming a focused practice routine, truly a recipe for growth and success.
Step Up Your Strumming
This beginner level course will introduce strumming technique and expose students to a variety of strumming patterns.
Singing & Playing Course
This course will give students a step by step process for approaching singing and playing simultaneously.
Ukulele Techniques
In this tutorial, I'll share some insight to help you identify the notes on your ukulele fretboard.