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Song Series

practice tracks

Free practice jam tracks to help you practice the various techniques covered in our video library. Play along with Kevin wherever you go with complimentary downloads. If you’d like to explore the full library of practice tracks, check out one of the many perks of being a family member with a 7-day free trial. Enjoy!

Kickstart Level 1

D-U-Clap | C (2x) - Em (2x) - F (2x) - G7 (2x)

Fingerpicking Level 1

Travis Pattern | C (2x)- Cmaj7 (2x) -C7 (2x) -C6 (2x) | 80bpm

Baritone Fingerpicking Level 1

Claw Pattern | G (4x) - Gmaj (4x) - G7 (4x) - G6 (4x) | 80bpm

Let’s Play Barre Chords

DDUUDU | Bb (2x) - F (2x) | 80bpm

Let’s Play Blues

DMUUMM | Blues in C | 90 bpm

Step Up Your Strumming Level 1

DDDUDU | Dm (1x) -G7 (1x) -C (1x)- Am (1x) | 75bpm

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